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Set & Production Design in Advertising - What does it actually entail?! Q & A


(and not just a stiff drink like the title header image above suggests)!

Many people have said that they would like to know a little more about what my work really entails. Having worked in art department for almost a decade I can safely say that even if you speak to my Mum, Dad and even my partner that they would wholeheartedly struggle to describe what it is that I actually do!

Friends regularly introduce me to new people as a creative… ummm… artist.. errr… designer…I even get builder from time to time which is slightly scary given the scale of some of the sets we have created!

I can’t blame them to be fair, some days I question the plentiful roles myself!

Together with hand selected multidisciplinary teams, I've worked on such a vast range of projects ranging from delicate still life sets to producing large scale fashion and film sets & installations. Often the job title changes when working in different industries although what my team and I do are essentially the same: Ensuring each production has a particular visual style.

What many people don't understand is what gargantuan effort goes into making all of these productions look just right.

If you already work in art department then nothing you listen to here will be news to you, however please do reply with your own entertaining stories, I’m sure you’ll have a few!


Students often come to work on placement from some of London’s top art & design courses and all have many unanswered questions about what the role really entails.

Click below to hear a discussion between myself and Isabela Lopez Vito (currently on placement) 3rd year student on the performance design & practice BA at Central Saint Martins.

In this Q & A we stick more to the topic of production design for advertising.

we've broken this down into two parts.

Above some mirror tests on our recent GHD shoot and below a selection of behind the scenes shots on productions...

Recreating a luxury hotel scene in the middle of the beast from the east in a large office complex in Farnborough for Range Rover...


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